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loba ChudakART

The joy that comes from being in close contact with the earth, experiencing nature’s essential elements and abundant gifts, moving, sensing and hearing sound - color, ebb & flow, rhythm & breath - as well as the gift of tranquility, meditation, deep satisfaction and harmony, all this supports and creates my work.

Painting with the sensibility of a musician, my desire to paint is supported by my life as a flutist working with the breath, the basic vehicle of my work. An abstract visual expression becomes another form of music making, sharing sound that heals and inspires.

Early on I was led to discover silk as the most fitting medium. It allows the translation of sound into the movement of the paint, the brush, the whole person: movement from the core extending out - breath breathing sound, breathing movement, dancing color. So does silk, it’s rich and luminous texture receives and activates the colors that come together into a moment celebrating the deep texture of life.

Color, art, music, awareness, learning,

I have been a creative at heart all my life, it just took me a while to see and understand what that means in my case and how to move with it.

My work all comes from that same place as a creative, in my art, teaching, gardening, performing, and in being an entrepreneur.

I have been a maker of art including fiber art, photography, painting and music as well as a gardener all my life and for as long as I can remember.

I learned to play the piano at age 4, the concert flute at age 10.

As flutist with a degree in flute performance & pedagogy, I have been teaching flute for 40 years, performed as soloist as well as with orchestras and ensembles in Germany and the US. I am currently teaching flute in my private studio and at the C4A community music school in Urbana, IL to people of all ages.

A certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, Reiki Master, and Life Coach I have worked with people from many different walks of life, helping them overcome physical challenges, acute & chronic pain, personal limitations & life challenges.

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Where the worlds touch

Nurture your Heart

Creativity, the space that opens our heart and allows us to access all that we 'already know', can bring authentic action and forward movement. A possibility we can see, and allow ourselves to pursue.  

It is the type of movement that sustains and supports us, even, or maybe especially, in difficult times.

And yet sometimes, this movement or knowing, can be very quiet, to the point where we do not or can not hear it, and most certainly a place where we get tangled. Those are the times to build our strength and go down to basics.

Connecting with and listening to our hearts desire, that which is not quite yet, and reaching for it, is the path and the necessity to be taken on, practical, spirited, down to earth, connecting the steps from idea, to vision to action, to manifestation, clearly, directed and vital.  It can also become the thing we call success, a joyful sense of satisfaction and fulfillment: I AM doing the right thing, albeit messy, the thing that lights me up and I cannot help but do, and the many versions in between.

Honing this is the practice of a lifetime, if we are lucky enough. But it is not only luck, there are many moments when life nudges and invites us to take the road less traveled, and become our path finders. Making that decision again and again takes courage and strengthens our commitment.

It is in the gap between those worlds of knowing, not knowing and yet still following that call, may it be ever so faint and with so many detours, where so much can happen, the list is long, we all have our own personal version of how we get caught in that in-between-place. I have my own as well - which I can share in a different place.

I am here to offer my joy, skill and expertise to you, to get you into the movement of bringing YOUR gift, your true version of yourself into the place that you are here to share.

My 'About' - Intention

My Beginnings

Work with me

Life - Balance - Creativity

Painting & Music